由于Delphi太好用了以至于大多数Delphi fans对Delphi约定都没什么认识...抱歉其实大部分人的确是这样的这里写下一篇浊文仅供大家参考-转载保留版权.谢谢大家支持1.register-Delphi默认模式参数传递模式...前三个数据.eax,edx,ecx...超过三个参数部分.放在堆栈传递其他的方法和...和stdcall一样...函数自己恢复堆栈按照这个传递模式,所以说..这样效果编译器会更容易优化一些?呵呵procedure XorMemory(lpMemory: Pointer; bKey: BYTE; dwLen: DWORD);begin while (dwLen > 0) do begin PBYTE(lpMemory)^ := PBYTE(lpMemory)^ xor bKey; Inc(PBYTE(lpMemory)); Dec(dwLen); end;end;2.pascal-目前基本上不使用了3.cdecl-C语言调用约定(从右向左压栈.调用者恢复堆栈)这个模式在Delphi下是一个很争议的话题..怎么说呢..比如说wsprintf等函数都是错误的翻译...C\C++下是采用cdecl调用约定,而Delphi下全部翻译成stdcall模式...而且C\C++总是配合可变参数一起使用的...而Delphi下也是有可变参数标记的一般用户很少去关注如何使用罢了具体看一下windows.pasfunction wsprintf(Output: PChar; Format: PChar): Integer; stdcall;这里的声明类型完全是错误的...如果想要和C一样的方式function wsprintf(Output: PChar; Format: PChar): Integer; cdecl; varargs; external user32 name 'wsprintfA';function DbgPrint(Format:PChar): NTSTATUS; cdecl; varargs; external NtKernel name 'DbgPrint';function _snprintf(buffer: PChar; nsize: Integer; const fmt: PChar): Integer; cdecl; varargs; external NtKernel name '_snprintf';
使用的时候...和C\C++下使用完全一样这里有一个窍门...这样的函数我们如何声明函数类型?找了大量的资料还是没招.不知道如何测试居然测试成功了...这叫啥?不知道program Project2;uses Windows;// 注意看下面--cdecl varargs;之间是没有;号的type TwsprintfA = function(Output: PAnsiChar; Format: PAnsiChar): Integer; cdecl varargs;var fnwsprintfA: TwsprintfA; szBuffer: Array[0..MAX_PATH] Of Char;begin @fnwsprintfA := GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary('user32'), 'wsprintfA'); fnwsprintfA(szBuffer, 'Id: %s, Age: %d', 'Anskya', 18); MessageBox(0, szBuffer, 'By Anskya', 0);end.
4.stdcall-标准调用约定(从右向左压栈.函数自己恢复堆栈) 这个...基本上api都是采用如此调用模式..编写动态运行库的 比较重要的约定 5.safecall-Delphi不支持..唉~牧龙鼠大牛抱歉我解决半天也没搞定 这个约定C\C++支持,其实和register约定出奇的相似. 支持传递参数的寄存器不一样.
type VA_FN = function(const par1, par2{, }: Pointer): Integer; cdecl varargs;procedure CvtInt;{ IN: EAX: The integer value to be converted to text ESI: Ptr to the right-hand side of the output buffer: LEA ESI, StrBuf[16] ECX: Base for conversion: 0 for signed decimal, 10 or 16 for unsigned EDX: Precision: zero padded minimum field width OUT: ESI: Ptr to start of converted text (not start of buffer) ECX: Length of converted text}asm OR CL,CL JNZ @CvtLoop@C1: OR EAX,EAX JNS @C2 NEG EAX CALL @C2 MOV AL,'-' INC ECX DEC ESI MOV [ESI],AL RET@C2: MOV ECX,10@CvtLoop: PUSH EDX PUSH ESI@D1: XOR EDX,EDX DIV ECX DEC ESI ADD DL,'0' CMP DL,'0'+10 JB @D2 ADD DL,('A'-'0')-10@D2: MOV [ESI],DL OR EAX,EAX JNE @D1 POP ECX POP EDX SUB ECX,ESI SUB EDX,ECX JBE @D5 ADD ECX,EDX MOV AL,'0' SUB ESI,EDX JMP @z@zloop: MOV [ESI+EDX],AL@z: DEC EDX JNZ @zloop MOV [ESI],AL@D5:end;function sprintf(lpcszFormat:PAnsiChar;lpszBuf:PAnsiChar;BufLen:Integer{Arg1,Arg2}):Integer;cdecl; label Scan,ExitProc,MeetInteger,Movbuf,ScanLoop,CopyLoop,label1,label2,label3,Check1;asm { 编译器自动加的指令: push ebp mov ebp,esp } add ebp,20 {ebp指向第一个格式参数} push edx push esi push edi sub esp,24 { 16字符的缓冲区+4字节保存当前格式化串的子串指针+4字节=24 } lea esi,[esp+24] {esi保存字符缓冲区结尾地址} mov edx,[ebp-8] { edx保存目标串当前位置 } mov ebx,[ebp-12] { ebx保存格式化串当前位置 }Scan: mov eax,ebx cmp byte ptr [eax],0 jz ExitProc push edx mov dx,'%' call StrScan (* 查找占位符% *) pop edx test eax,eax jz ExitProc mov ecx,eax sub ecx,ebx call label1 jmp label2label1: push eax CopyLoop: mov al,[ebx] cmp al,0 {遇到0字符终止} jz label3 mov [edx],al inc ebx inc edx loop CopyLooplabel3: pop eax retlabel2: cmp byte ptr [eax+$01],'d' jnz Check1 add ebx,2 call MeetInteger jmp ScanCheck1: cmp byte ptr [eax+$01],'%' jnz ExitProc add ebx,2 mov byte ptr [edx],'%' inc edx jmp ScanMeetInteger: push eax push esi push edx mov eax,[ebp] mov ecx,0 (* 有符号数 *) mov edx,0 call CvtInt pop edx call MovBuf add ebp,4 {让ebp指向下一个参数} pop esi pop eax retMovbuf: mov al,[esi] mov [edx],al inc esi inc edx loop MovBuf retExitProc: mov ecx,$7FFFFFFF call label1 mov [edx],0 mov Result,0 add esp,24 pop edi pop esi pop edx { 编译器自动加的指令: pop ebp ret }end;
另外,关于动态参数传递,在P4D早期版本中看到一种实现,就是将动态参数传递的动态参数映射成array of Pointer之类的数组来实现,具体实现方式如
DLL_PyArg_Parse: function( args: PPyObject; format: PChar {;....}) :Integer; cdecl;
DLL_PyArg_ParseTuple: function( args: PPyObject; format: PChar {;...}):Integer; cdecl; DLL_Py_BuildValue: function( format: PChar {;...}): PPyObject; cdecl;先声明这些动态参数函数,然后实现
{DELPHI does the right thing here. It automatically generatesa copy of the argp on the stack}function TPythonInterface.PyArg_Parse ( args: PPyObject; format: PChar;argp: array of Pointer): Integer; cdecl;begin{$IFDEF DELPHI6_OR_HIGHER}Result := 0;{ Do not optimize this to a "pure" assembler routine, because sucha routine does not copy the array arguments in the prologue code }asmlea edx, formatpush [edx]sub edx, TYPE PCharpush [edx]mov eax, Selfmov eax, [eax].DLL_PyArg_Parsecall eaxpop edxpop edxmov Result, eaxend;{$ELSE}Result := DLL_PyArg_Parse( args, format );{$ENDIF}end;function TPythonInterface.PyArg_ParseTuple ( args: PPyObject; format: PChar;argp: array of Pointer): Integer; cdecl;begin{$IFDEF DELPHI6_OR_HIGHER}Result := 0;{ Do not optimize this to a "pure" assembler routine, because sucha routine does not copy the array arguments in the prologue code }asmlea edx, formatpush [edx]sub edx, TYPE PCharpush [edx]mov eax, Selfmov eax, [eax].DLL_PyArg_ParseTuplecall eaxpop edxpop edxmov Result, eaxend;{$ELSE}Result := DLL_PyArg_ParseTuple( args, format );{$ENDIF}end;